

csv file with training data

GPSeer requires a csv file with the following columns:

  • genotypes: A string representation of each genotype. Genotype strings must all have the same length. GPSeer interprets each position in the string as a site. It builds the possible set of states at each site based on what letters are observed at position. There can be any number of states at each site. If a site does not vary (meaning, for example, it is G in every genotype), this will be dropped from the model.

  • phenotypes: A decimal (float) number describing the quantitative phenotype of that genotype.

See an example input file here.

It can also optionally take columns:

  • stdeviations: standard deviations on the experimental estimates of the input phenotypes.

  • n_replicates: The number of replicates for this measurement. This is used in conjunction with the stdeviations to estimate the standard error on the mean of input phenotype estimates.

If standard deviations are included, regression is weighted by phenotype standard deviation. If standard deviations and number of replicates are included, regression is weighted by the standard error on the mean.

Genotypes file (optional)

The genotypes file is used by GPSeer to predict the phenotypes of a user-defined set of genotypes. This file is a list of genotypes in a text file. See an example here. If this file is not given, GPSeer will predict the phenotypes of all possible genotypes given the input data. Depending on the nature of the map, this could be a very large number of genotypes.



  • {output_root}_predictions.csv: A csv file containing predicted phenotypes. This has predicted phenotypes for both the requested genotypes and the input (training) genotypes.

    The first three columns (genotypes, phenotypes, and uncertainty) are designed to be passed on to downstream applications, assigning each genotype the best guess for their phenotypes (measured, predicted, or below the detection threshold). A few rows of output are shown below.
















































    • genotypes: genotype

    • phenotypes: Best guess for phenotype of this genotype. If this phenotype measured, this will be the measured value (e.g. “KSTRDCDA”). Otherwise, this will be the predicted value. If no threshold is used or the genotype is predicted to be above the threshold, this column will have the quantitative output of the epistasis model + spline (e.g. “KSTVDCDC”). If a threshold was used and the genotype is predicted to be below it, this will be the threshold value (e.g. “KSTVNCCC”).

    • uncertainty: Phenotype uncertainty. If measured, this is the measurement uncertainty; if no threshold is specified or the phenotype is above the threshold, this is the uncertainty in the linear model; if the phenotype is below the threshold, no uncertainty is assigned.

    • measured: Measured phenotype for this genotype. If this is a prediction, this will be empty.

    • measured_err: Measured error for this phenotype. If this is a prediction, or no standard deviations were fed into the prediction, this will be empty.

    • n_replicates: how many replicates were used to measure phenotype. If this is a prediction or this was not fed into the prediction, this will be 1.

    • prediction: Quantitative prediction for this genotype. A quantitative prediction will be made for all genotypes, even those with measured values or predicted to be below the threshold.

    • prediction_err: Quantitative uncertainty in the prediction. This will be the same for all genotypes: it is \((1 - R^{2})\times \langle phenotypes \rangle\) for the quantitative model.

    • phenotype_class: If a threshold was used, this will indicate whether the genotype was classified to be above or below the detection threshold.

    • binary: Binary representation of the genotype.

    • n_mutations: Number of sequence differences between this genotype and the wildtype genotype.

  • {output_root}_fit-information.csv: A csv file containing various output from the fit.

    • num_genotypes: Number of genotypes in the map.

    • num_mutations: Number of unique mutations in the map.

    • explained_variation: \(R^2\) for the quantitative model

    • num_obs_converge: Number of times each mutation must be observed for convergence of an additive model given the amount of epistasis in the map.

    • num_parameters: Number of parameters in the model.

    • threshold: threshold value used in the fit. If no threshold was used, this will be empty.

    • spline_order: spline order used in the fit. If no spline was used, this will be empty.

    • spline_smoothness: spline smoothness parameter. If no spline was used, this will be empty.

    • epistasis_order: the order of the epistatic model used.

  • {output_root}_convergence.csv: A csv file containing information about the number of times each mutation was seen across the map and what this predicts about model convergence given the epistasis in the model.

    • mutation: a unique mutation seen in the map

    • num_obs: number of unique genotypes that contain this mutation in the experimental observations.

    • num_obs_above: number of unique genotypes above the threshold that contain this mutation in the experimental observations.

    • fold_target: ratio of the number of times this mutation was seen above the threshold to the number of observations predicted for model convergence (num_obs_converge) from the “fit-information.csv” file. A ratio above one means we expect convergence; a ratio less than one means you might be able to squeeze more predictive power out of the model by observing that mutation across more genetic backgrounds.

    • converged: Whether fold_target is above one.

  • {output_root}_correlation-plot.pdf: Correlation plot for genotypes with both measured and predicted phenotypes. Each point is a genotype. Both prediction and measurement uncertainty (if available) are plotted with error bars. If a threshold was applied, phenotypes below the threshold will be plotted as gray points. The lower panel indicates the fit residuals. A high quality fit will be randomly distributed about zero.

  • {output_root}_spline-fit.pdf: If a spline was used, this plot will show the transformation mapping the model to the measurements. Each point is a genotype. The red line indicates the spline fit. Graphically, the model transforms the data such that the red line becomes linear. If a threshold was applied, phenotypes below the threshold will be plotted as gray points.

  • {output_root}_phenotype-histograms.pdf: Each panel shows histograms for phenotype values. The top panel shows the histogram for the measured values. The middle panel shows the histogram for the model predictions of the training (measured) values. The bottom panel shows the distribution of the values predicted for the unmeasured values. A radical mismatch between the training set and test set predictions may indicate a mismatch between the genotypes used to train the model and the genotypes that are being predicted.



  • {output_root}_cross-validation-scores.csv: A csv file containing the \(R^{2}_{train}\) and \(R^{2}_{test}\) for each resampling of the training data.

  • {output_root}_ross-validation-plot.pdf: Two-dimensional histogram plotting \(R^{2}_{train}\) against \(R^{2}_{test}\). Bright colors indicate populated regions of the histogram. The dashed lines indicate the mode of the distribution in each dimension. When \(R^{2}_{train} \gg R^{2}_{test}\), it indicates the model is being overfit.
