
Predicting phenotypes with a maximum likelihood model

We’re going to fill in unmeasured phenotypes for the genotype-phenotype map of a protein that transports a small molecule. It is binary map with eight sites, so it has \(2^{8}=256\) genotypes. Of these, we have experimental measurements of the transport phenotype for 76 genotypes.

As an aside, the API Demo.ipynb demonstrates how to use GPSeer in a Jupyter notebook. All of the work in this tutorial can be done in a notebook rather than on the command line.

If you haven’t already, you can download the data file containing the measurements, pfcrt-raw-data.csv, by running:

> gpseer fetch-example

[GPSeer] Downloading files to /examples...
[GPSeer] └──>: 100%|██████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  9.16it/s]
[GPSeer] └──> Done!

cd examples/

We’ll start by fitting an additive model to the data. In this model, each mutation has an additive, linear effect on the phenotype. We predict the phenotype of each genotype as the sum of the effect of all mutations that are found in that genotype. The additive model is the default model, so you can run the following:

> gpseer estimate-ml pfcrt-raw-data.csv

[GPSeer] Reading data from pfcrt-raw-data.csv...
[GPSeer] └──> Done reading data.
[GPSeer] Constructing a model...
[GPSeer] └──> Done constructing model.
[GPSeer] Fitting data...
[GPSeer] └──> Done fitting data.
[GPSeer] Predicting missing data...
[GPSeer] └──> Done predicting.
[GPSeer] Calculating fit statistics...

Fit statistics:

              parameter     value
0         num_genotypes        76
1  num_unique_mutations         8
2   explained_variation  0.592511
3        num_parameters         9
4   num_obs_to_converge    35.771
5             threshold      None
6          spline_order      None
7     spline_smoothness      None
8       epistasis_order         1
9           lasso_alpha         1



  mutation  num_obs  num_obs_above  fold_target  converged
0      I0M       47             47     1.313913       True
1      N1E       46             46     1.285958       True
2      T2K       12             12     0.335467      False
3      A3S       41             41     1.146180       True
4      E4Q       35             35     0.978446      False
5      S5N       46             46     1.285958       True
6      I6T       28             28     0.782757      False
7      R7I       30             30     0.838668      False

[GPSeer] └──> Done.
[GPSeer] Writing phenotypes to pfcrt-raw-data_predictions.csv...
[GPSeer] └──> Done writing predictions!
[GPSeer] Writing plots...
[GPSeer] Writing pfcrt-raw-data_correlation-plot.pdf...
[GPSeer] Writing pfcrt-raw-data_phenotype-histograms.pdf...
[GPSeer] └──> Done plotting!
[GPSeer] GPSeer finished!

You should have seen output like what is shown above, indicating the program ran. We’ll worry about all of the output later, but for the moment, we’ll start by asking if the fit yielded anything useful. The first place we might look is the explained_variation field under the Fit statistics heading in the text output. For this model, we get 0.593. If the model was perfect, we could get a value of 1.000, so 0.593 is not stellar. The next place we can look is at the correlation plot generated: pfcrt-raw-data_correlation-plot.pdf:


This plot shows the predicted value for each genotype in the training set against its predicted value. For a good model, we would expect our predictions to fall along the 1:1 line. This would appear as randomly distributed residuals on the bottom plot. What we see instead is some pretty dramatic non-randomness: for lower phenotype values, the model predicts most phenotypes as too high; for higher values, the model predicts phenotypes that are too low.

We can account for this nonlinearity using a spline, which will draw a curve through the points and then linearize the data. If we pre-process our data with this spline first, our linear model may be more predictive. So, let’s add a spline. We’ll set the order to 2, which lets us introduce a single curve in the data. For more complicated curves, we could increase the order to up to 5.

I’m also going to add an output_root argument (“linear_spline2”) so our new predictions won’t overwrite our existing predictions. This root will be pre-pended to every output file.

> gpseer estimate-ml pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --output_root linear_spline2



spline fit failed.  Try increasing --spline_smoothness

I removed a bunch of the output text above and just included the final line: an error. This indicates that our spline fit did not converge. The way to fix this is by increasing the spline smoothness. (We are increasing s in the underlying scipy.interpolate.UniverateSpline object).

I increased the value of --spline_smoothness until it worked:

> gpseer estimate-ml pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --spline_smoothness 100000  --output_root linear_spline2


2   explained_variation  0.776917


Great, that worked! Again, I’ve removed most of the output and highlighted an important bit: the explained variation has gone up, from 0.593 in our initial fit to 0.777. Good news! We can also look at the output plot linear_spline2_correlation-plot.pdf:


This looks much better than the plot above. We’re explaining more of the variation, and our residuals are a bit more random. There is still something strange happening, particularly at low phenotypes, but this is a definite improvement.

We can see what the spline looks like by checking out linear_spline2_spline-fit.pdf:


This plot shows the observed value for each genotype against its prediction using the linear model. The spline goes through the nonlinearity, capturing the fact there is a lag between the phenotype as modeled and the phenotype as observed.

But there is still something odd. Notice the systematic string of points that are close to zero in our observations but are predicted to be much larger than zero by the model. One way to get this behavior is by having a detection threshold on our assay. I happen to know from the group that generated this data that their assay bottoms out at 5. This means a negative control can give a value anywhere from 0 to 5 under their assay conditions. But our model doesn’t know this and will dutifully record that a phenotype of 3 is higher than a phenotype of 1, which is less than a phenotype of 5. The model tries to explain these differences as due to differences in the sequences of the genotypes. As a result, we inject random noise into our fit and screw up our predictions of these points that are below the detection threshold.

To account for this, we can train a logistic classifier. This classifier predicts whether a genotype is below or above the detection threshold. Anything predicted to be below the threshold is removed from the analysis before the spline and linear model are fit to the data. To add the classifier, we put in our detection threshold (--threshold 5). Note I also updated the output_root argument to be “linear_spline2_threshold5”:

gpseer estimate-ml pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --spline_smoothness 100000  --threshold 5 --output_root linear_spline2_threshold5


2   explained_variation  0.828986


This gave a slight increase in our explained variance (0.829 rather than 0.777). We can look first at the spline plot in linear_spline2_threshold5_spline-fit.pdf:


Notice that almost all of those strange points have now collapsed down to zero: our classifier has identified all of the gray points as being below the detection threshold. Now lets look at the correlation plot in linear_spline2_threshold5_correlation-plot.pdf:


The model is looking much better. A whole slew of poor predictions at lower phenotype values are now correctly predicted. Except for the highest phenotype values, the residuals appear random. Conceivably, one could increase the order of the spline to to better fit the data; however, this is unsuccessful for this dataset. If you don’t believe me, you can run the above analysis with a higher-ordered spline. (It might be a good exercise, anyway).

Testing Predictive Power: Cross-Validation

The analysis above identified a model that fit the measured data well: how do we know it has good predictive power? GPSeer lets you pose this question using cross validation. In cross validation, a subset of the training data are withheld. The model is then trained on the remaining training data. The predictive power of the model can then be tested on the withheld data. By repeating this process multiple times, one can measure the predictive power of the model.

We call this similarly to the estimate above, but substitute the cross-validate subcommand rather than estimate-ml. I also increased the number of samples (--n_samples 1000) to get a pretty graph. This took about 2 minutes on my laptop.

> gpseer cross-validate pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --spline_smoothness 100000 --threshold 5 --output_root linear_spline2_threshold5 --n_samples 1000

[GPSeer] Reading data from pfcrt-raw-data.csv...
[GPSeer] └──> Done reading data.
[GPSeer] Fitting all data data...
[GPSeer] └──> Done fitting data.
[GPSeer] Sampling the data...
[GPSeer] └──>: 100%|████████████████████| 1000/1000 [01:47<00:00,  9.33it/s]
[GPSeer] └──> Done sampling data.
[GPSeer] Plotting linear_spline2_threshold5_cross-validation-plot.pdf...
[GPSeer] └──> Done writing data.
[GPSeer] Writing scores to linear_spline2_threshold5_cross-validation-scores.csv...
[GPSeer] └──> Done writing data.
[GPSeer] GPSeer finished!

The primary output of this analysis is the graph stored in linear_spline2_threshold5_cross-validation-plot.pdf:


This plot is a two-dimensional histogram plotting \(R^{2}_{train}\) against \(R^{2}_{test}\). Each sample is a different randomly selected test and training set. Bright colors indicate populated regions of the histogram. The majority of the fits form a cloud with similar values for \(R^{2}_{train}\) and \(R^{2}_{test}\). The dashed white lines indicate the most populated bin in both dimensions. The numbers indicate the values of \(R^{2}_{train}\) and \(R^{2}_{test}\) for this bin.

Notice that, for this fit, \(R^{2}_{train}\) and \(R^{2}_{test}\) have similar values near 0.83. This is a good indication that the model is predictive at the same level it is trained: the model is highly trained, but not overtrained.

We can contrast this with a model that is overfit. We will add pairwise interaction terms (epistasis) between the effects of mutations to our training model. To do so, I added --epistasis_order 2 and changed --output_root to pairwise_spline2_threshold5.

> gpseer cross-validate pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --spline_smoothness 100000 --threshold 5 --epistasis_order 2 --output_root pairwise_spline2_threshold5 --n_samples 1000


The cross-validation plot that results is here:


Notice that the distribution in \(R^{2}_{test}\) is now much wider, and is splayed between 0 and 1. More alarmingly, \(R^{2}_{train}\) and \(R^{2}_{test}\) have begun to diverge. The most common outcome of the sampling protocol is a model with \(R^{2}_{train} = 0.91\) and \(R^{2}_{test} = 0.84\). We are improving our ability to fit the training data at the expense of our ability to predict the test data.

We can make things even worse by fitting three-way interactions (high-order) epistasis.

> gpseer cross-validate pfcrt-raw-data.csv --spline_order 2 --spline_smoothness 100000 --threshold 5 --epistasis_order 3 --output_root threeway_spline2_threshold5 --n_samples 1000


The resulting plot is shown below:


Note the even greater divergence between \(R^{2}_{train} = 0.98\) and \(R^{2}_{test} = 0.39\).

Finally, for comparison, we can compare the cross-validation result for over fitting a model to the cross-validation result for under fitting a model. We can do a cross-validation run for the first model we fit above: the linear model alone without the spline or classifier.

gpseer cross-validate pfcrt-raw-data.csv  --output_root linear_spline2_threshold5 --n_samples 1000


Note that, for this model, \(R^{2}_{test}\) and \(R^{2}_{train}\) are lower than for the best model, but have also moved together. Both values are near 0.57. Thus, this is a poor fit, but not an over fit.

Thus, a cross-validation plot provides a useful way to identify a predictive model for phenotypes. In this case, the best model is a threshold, nonlinear spline, and additive mutation model.


Another important question from these predictions is the uncertainty on the model predictions. Uncertainty is returned for each phenotype in the _predictions.csv output file (linear_spline2_threshold5_predictions.csv for the best-fit model). The uncertainty on predicted phenotypes above the threshold is given by \((1 - R^{2}_{test}) \times \langle phenotype \rangle\). This is described in the GPSeer publication.


One question is whether it is worthwhile to make more measurements to improve the predictive power of the model. GPSeer provides information to help make this decision. After a fit, it returns a file that ends with _convergence.csv as well as a file that ends with _fit-information.csv (linear_spline2_threshold5_convergence.csv and linear_spline2_threshold5_fit-information.csv for the best-fit model).

For an additive model, the more times we observe each mutation, the better we are at resolving its average effect. After a sufficient number of observations, these average effects are resolved and we can no longer improve the model further. The number of times we need to see a mutation before our estimate of its effect converges is determined by the scatter off the 1:1 line in the correlation plot. The more scatter, the more observations we need to make.

We found an empirical relationship that allows us to estimate the number of observations we need to make given the amount of unexplained variation in the model (Figure 5 in the GPSeer manuscript). This number is spit out as num_obs_to_converge in the _fit-information file, as well as the text spew during a run. For the best model above, this value is 18.0–meaning we need to observe each mutation 18 times to resolve is average effect.

The content of linear_spline2_threshold5_convergence.csv is shown below. It indicates the mutations seen in the dataset (the “mutation” column), the number of measured genotypes in which that mutation was seen (“num_obs”), and the number of genotypes above the threshold cutoff in which that mutation was seen (“num_obs_above”). Genotypes below the cutoff threshold are not used to train the linear model, and thus do not contribute to the number of observations. The “fold_target” column shows the ratio of num_obs_above to num_obs_to_converge. If this value is above 1, adding more observations with that particular genotype probably will not improve the predictive power of the model.






















































If we look at this table, we saw seven of the eight mutations 18+ times, consistent with convergence. One mutation–T2K–was never observed above the threshold. This mutation does not contribute to the linear model and can therefore be ignored. Overall, then, this is good evidence that the predictive model has converged.

Phenotype histograms

Another way to assess the quality of the predictive model is to compare a histogram of the phenotype values for the training set to the predicted phenotypes. The output for this is stored in linear_spline2_threshold5_phenotype-histograms.pdf and reproduced below:


The top panel shows the histogram for the measured values. The middle panel shows the histogram for the model predictions of the training (measured) values. The bottom panel shows the distribution of the values predicted for the unmeasured values. A radical mismatch between the distribution of the values in the training set and the predictions may indicate a mismatch between the genotypes used to train the model and the genotypes that are being predicted.